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Name Obj Catalog # Con R A Dec Size / Sep Mag Notes Framing
NGC 7822 EN NGC 7822 Cep 00 03 +68 37 210' x 105' --- Large, faint, by CED 214 0200 mm
CED 214 EN CED 214 Cep 00 04 +67 00 60' x 60' --- Large, faint, by NGC 7822 0200 mm
Bow Tie Nebula PN NGC 0040 Cep 00 13 +72 32 72" x 60" 10.3 NGC 40 Red PN CS=10.2 3000 mm
NGC 55 GAL NGC 0055 Scl 00 14 -39 11 32' x 6.5' 7.4 Edge-on barred spiral galaxy 2000 mm
VX Andromedae CS TYC 2794-14-1 And 00 21 +44 47 --- 7.8-9.3 Carbon star +5.6 B-V 2000 mm
47 Tucanae GC NGC 0104 Tuc 00 24 -72 05 31' 4.0 NGC 104 Big globular 1000 mm
Pisces CON --- Psc 00 29 +13 41 1960' x 2400' --- Constellation 49° x 40° 0018 mm
NGC 0147 GAL NGC 147 Cas 00 34 +48 35 13.5' x 8.2' 10.4 1° WNW of NGC 185 2000 mm
Cartwheel Galaxy GAL PGC 2248 Scl 00 38 -33 39 1.1'x0.8' 15.2 MCG-06-02-022a Ring galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 185 GAL NGC 0185 Cas 00 39 +48 25 12.5' x 10.4' 10.3 1° ESE of NGC 147 2000 mm
NGC 206 SA NGC 0206 And 00 40 +40 44 4.2' 12.8 Stellar association in M31 3000 mm
Messier 110 GAL M 110 And 00 40 +41 41 19.5' x 11.5' 7.9 M110, far companion to M31 2000 mm
Messier 32 GAL M 032 And 00 42 +40 52 8.5' x 6.5' 8.1 M32, Close companion to M31 2000 mm
Messier 31 GAL M 031 And 00 43 +41 20 190' x 62' 3.4 M31 Great Andromeda Galaxy ! 0500 mm
Skull Nebula PN NGC 0246 Cet 00 47 -11 52 4.1' x 4' 10.9 NGC 247 Large, faint PN, CS=11.8 3000 mm
Needle's Eye Galaxy GAL NGC 0247 Cet 00 47 -20 46 21' x 5.6' 9.11 NGC 247 Galaxy in Cetus 2000 mm
Sculptor Galaxy GAL NGC 0253 Scl 00 47 -25 17 29' x 6.8' 7.3 Spiral galaxy NGC 253 ! 1500 mm
Andromeda CON --- And 00 48 +37 25 2400' x 1800' --- Constellation 40° x 30° 0035 mm
NGC 188 OC NGC 0188 Cep 00 49 +85 20 15' 8.1 One of the oldest open clusters 2000 mm
Pac Man Nebula EN NGC 0281 Cas 00 52 +56 36 38' x 35' 7.4 NGC 281, large, bright EN 1500 mm
Small Magellanic Cloud GAL NGC 0292 Tuc 00 52 -72 50 280' x 160' 2.3 Dwarf galaxy, Nubecula Minor 0100 mm
NGC 288 GC NGC 0288 Scl 00 53 -26 30 13' 8.1 Globular cluster near NGC 253 2000 mm
NGC 300 GAL NGC 0300 Scl 00 54 -37 41 20' x 15' 8.2 Large spiral galaxy 2000 mm
IC 59 EN IC 0059 Cas 00 58 +61 12 15' x 12' --- Very faint nebula near Gamma Cas 1000 mm
IC 63 EN IC 0063 Cas 01 00 +60 59 10' x 3' --- Very faint nebula near Gamma Cas 1000 mm
Cassiopeia CON --- Cas 01 00 +61 00 2040' x 1620' --- Constellation 34° x 27° 0035 mm
NGC 362 GC NGC 362 Tuc 01 04 -70 47 12.9' 6.4 GC in Small Magellanic Cloud 0035 mm
IC 1613 GAL IC 1613 Cet 01 05 +01 13 16.6' x 14.9' 9.9 Irregular Milky Way dwarf companion 2000 mm
Mirach's Ghost GAL NGC 0404 And 01 10 +35 47 3.5' x 3.5' 10.3 NGC 404 Galaxy near Beta And 0035 mm
Owl Cluster OC NGC 0457 Cas 01 19 +58 20 20' 6.40 NGC 457 Beautiful open cluster 3000 mm
Minkowski's Object GAL Arp 133 Cet 01 26 -01 18 35" x 35" --- Dwarf starburst galaxy near NGC 541 5000 mm
NGC 559 OC NGC 0559 Cas 01 30 +63 23 4.4' 9.5 Small OC next to small DN 2000 mm
Dolphin Nebula PN SH2-188 Cas 01 31 +58 26 10' x 3' 8.0 Large but faint planetary nebula 2000 mm
Messier 103 OC M 103 Cas 01 33 +60 42 6' 7.4 M103, 25 stars 3000 mm
Messier 33 GAL M 033 Tri 01 34 +30 39 70' x 42' 5.5 M33, Triangulum Galaxy ! 1000 mm
Messier 74 GAL M 074 Psc 01 36 +15 47 10.5' x 9.5' 9.1 M74, spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Archernar S HD 10144 Eri 01 38 -57 10 --- 0.45 Alpha Eri #10 brightest star 2000 mm
Messier 76 PN M 076 Per 01 42 +51 34 2.5' x 4.25' 10.1 M76, Little Dumbbell CS=16.6 3000 mm
NGC 663 OC NGC 0663 Cas 01 47 +61 18 16' 7.1 80 stars, near M103 2000 mm
Mesarthim DS HD 11502 Ari 01 53 +19 18 7.8" 4.8 / 4.8 Gamma Arietis 2000 mm
Cetus CON --- Cet 01 55 -04 30 3060' x 2040' --- Constellation 51° x 34° 0018 mm
NGC 752 OC NGC 0752 And 01 59 +37 51 50' 5.7 Very large, bright, colorful 0700 mm
Nautilus Galaxy GAL NGC 0772 Ari 01 59 +19 00 7.2' x 4.3' 10.3 NGC 772, Arp 78, peculiar spiral 3000 mm
Almach DS HD 12533 And 02 03 +42 20 9.58" 2.26 / 4.84 Gamma And, gold and blue DS ! 2000 mm
Triangulum CON --- Tri 02 11 +31 29 990' x 720' --- Constellation 16.5° x 12° 0035 mm
Muscle man Cluster OC Stock 2 Cas 02 16 +59 20 60' 4.4 Large open cluster in Cas 1000 mm
Mira VS HD 14386 Cet 02 20 -02 55 --- 2.0 to 10.1 Omicron Ceti var 332 day period 2000 mm
Double Cluster OC NGC 0869 Per 02 20 +57 12 18' 5.3 NGC 869, spectacular OC ! 1000 mm
NGC 891 GAL NGC 0891 And 02 22 +42 21 13.5' x 2.5' 10.0 Edge-on galaxy with dust lane 3000 mm
Double Cluster OC NGC 0884 Per 02 23 +57 12 18' 6.1 NGC 884, spectacular OC ! 1000 mm
NGC 925 GAL NGC 0925 Tri 02 27 +33 35 7.3' x 3.2' 9.9 Large barred spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Iota Cassiopeiae MS HD 15089 Cas 02 29 +67 24 2.5" / 7" 4.6/6.9/8.4 Triple star 2000 mm
Polaris DS HD 8890 UMi 02 31 +89 16 18.4" 2.0 / 9.0 Alpha Ursae Minoris, Pole Star, DS 2000 mm
Heart Nebula EN IC 1805 Cas 02 35 +61 05 180' x 150' --- Part of the Double Nebula 0300 mm
Aries CON --- Ari 02 38 +20 47 1440' x 1260' --- Constellation 24° x 21° 0024 mm
Messier 77 GAL M 077 Cet 02 42 -00 01 9' x 8' 8.9 M77, near NGC 1055 2000 mm
NGC 1055 GAL NGC 1055 Cet 02 42 +00 30 7.6' x 3' 10.6 NGC 1055 near M77 2000 mm
Messier 34 OC M 034 Per 02 42 +42 47 25' 5.2 M34, 60 stars 1000 mm
NGC 1097 GAL NGC 1097 For 02 47 -30 13 9.4' x 6.6' 10.3 Barred spiral in Fornax 3000 mm
Soul Nebula EN LBN 667 Cas 02 52 +60 18 90' x 60' --- IC 1848, Part of the Double Nebula 0300 mm
Algol VS HD 19356 Per 03 08 +40 57 --- 2.1 to 3.4 Eclipsing var 2d 20h 49m period 2000 mm
Perseus CON --- Per 03 11 +45 01 1800' x 1560' --- Constellation 30° x 26° 0020 mm
Perseus Galaxy Cl GAL CL Abell 426 Per 03 20 +41 32 30' x 20' --- Contains bizarre galaxy NGC 1275 3000 mm
NGC 1275 GAL NGC 1275 Per 03 21 +41 34 2.3'x1.6' 12.7 Unusual galaxy Perseus A 3000 mm
NGC 1316 GAL NGC 1316 For 03 23 -37 09 11.2' x 7.7' 9.4 Fornax A lenticular galaxy 2000 mm
Alpha Persei Association SA Mel 20 Per 03 22 +49 00 180' x 180' 1.2 Alpha Persei Association 0200 mm
NGC 1333 RN NGC 1333 Per 03 29 +31 21 9' x 7' --- Reflection nebulae complex 1000 mm
NGC 1365 GAL NGC 1365 For 03 33 -36 08 11' x 6' 10.3 Great Barred Spiral Galaxy 3000 mm
Perseus Molecular Cloud MC PMC Per 03 36 +31 24 6.4° x 4.25° --- EN, RN, DN, CL Complex 3000 mm
IC 348 OC IC 0348 Per 03 45 +32 12 10' x 10' 7.3 Cluster and Reflection Nebula 2000 mm
IC 349 RN IC 0349 Tau 03 46 +23 56 30" x 30" 13 Barnard's Merope reflection nebula 3000 mm
IC 342 GAL IC 0342 Cam 03 46 +68 06 21.4' x 20.9' 8.4 Low surface brightness 1500 mm
Tempel's Nebula RN NGC 1435 Tau 03 47 +23 48 30' --- Large Rn around Merope 2000 mm
Messier 45 OC M 045 Tau 03 47 +24 07 120' x 60' 1.2 M45, Pleiades, OC, RN ! 0600 mm
Maia Nebula RN NGC 1432 Tau 03 47 +24 25 60' x 40' --- RN around Maia in M45 2000 mm
Kemble's Cascade AST Kemble 1 Cam 03 57 +63 04 150' 8 Asterism - 20 stars in a row 0300 mm
California Nebula EN NGC 1499 Per 04 00 +36 37 160' x 40' --- Very large EN 0200 mm
Crystal Ball Nebula PN NGC 1514 Tau 04 10 +30 48 2.2' 10.9 Blue planetary nebula, CS=9.5 2000 mm
Cleopatra's Eye PN NGC 1535 Eri 04 15 -12 42 18" 9.6 Planetary nebula 5000 mm
NGC 1528 Area OC NGC 1528 Per 04 16 +53 37 18' 6.4 EN, DN, CL Complex 0085 mm
Hind's Variable Nebula RN NGC 1555 Tau 04 23 +19 34 30" --- Variable nebula illuminated by T Tauri 3000 mm
Taurus Molecular Cloud MC TMC Tau 04 26 +25 54 30° x 20° --- EN, DN, CL Complex 0035 mm
Hyades OC Mel 25 Tau 04 27 +16 00 300' 0.5 Hyades open cluster ! 0100 mm
NGC 1579 EN NGC 1579 Per 04 31 +35 19 12' x 12' --- Trifid of the North 2000 mm
Aldebaran S HD 29139 Tau 04 35 +16 30 --- 0.90 Alpha Tauri 2000 mm
Taurus CON --- Tau 04 42 +14 53 2820' x 2040' --- Constellation 47° x 34° 0024 mm
R Leporis CS TYC 5329-366-1 Lep 05 00 -14 47 --- 5.5 to 11.7 Carbon star +4.93 B-V 2000 mm
Witch Head RN IC 2118 Eri 05 07 - 07 13 180' x 60' --- Very large RN, very faint 0200 mm
Foxface Nebula RN NGC 1788 Ori 05 08 -03 20 20' x 20' --- RN / EN complex 2000 mm
Rigel DS HD 34085 Ori 05 14 -08 12 9.5" 0.12 / 6.8 Beta Orionis #7 brightest star 2000 mm
NGC 1851 GC NGC 1851 Col 05 15 -40 02 11.0' 7.1 GC in Columba 2000 mm
Flaming Star EN IC 0405 Aur 05 16 +34 16 50' x 30' 10 IC 405, around AE Aurigae 0300 mm
Capella S HD 34029 Aur 05 16 +45 59 --- 0.10 Alpha Aurigae #6 brightest star 2000 mm
Tadpoles EN IC 0410 Aur 05 22 +33 31 40' X 30' 7.5 IC 410, near Flaming Star 2000 mm
Large Magellanic Cloud GAL PGC 17223 Dor 05 23 -69 45 650' x 550' 0.63 LMC, Nubecula Major 0085 mm
Messier 79 GC M 079 Lep 05 24 -24 33 8.7' 8.0 M79, globular cluster 3000 mm
Messier 38 OC M 038 Aur 05 28 +35 50 15' 6.4 M38, 100 stars 1000 mm
Spirograph Nebula PN IC 0418 Lep 05 28 -12 41 12' 10.7 Intricate structure 3000 mm
The Spider EN IC 0417 Aur 05 29 +34 26 80' x 50' --- EN near NGC 1931 1000 mm
The Fly EN NGC 1931 Aur 05 32 +34 32 8' x 8' --- EN, OC near IC 417 3000 mm
Messier 1 SNR M 001 Tau 05 33 +22 01 6' x 4' 8.4 M1, Crab Nebula CS=16.0 2000 mm
Messier 42 EN M 042 Ori 05 34 - 05 27 65' x 60' 4.0 M42, Orion Nebula ! 0700 mm
Trapezium MS HD 37022 Ori 05 34 - 05 23 --- 4.9 Theta Orionis ! 3000 mm
Orion CON --- Ori 05 35 +05 57 1980' x 1500' --- Constellation 33° x 25° 0024 mm
Angelfish Nebula EN SH2-264 Ori 05 35 +09 56 420' x 300' --- Very large around Lambda Orionis 0085 mm
Rho Orionis MS HD 33856 Ori 05 36 -05 57 7", 3' 4.5, 8.9, 11.8 White, green, blue MS 2000 mm
Messier 43 EN M 043 Ori 05 36 -05 16 20' x 15' 9.0 M43, comma shaped in M42 2000 mm
Running Man RN NGC 1977 Ori 05 36 - 04 52 30' x 20' 7 Running Man RN 1000 mm
Messier 36 OC M 036 Aur 05 36 +34 08 10' 6.0 M36, 60 stars 1000 mm
Tarantula Nebula EN NGC 2070 Dor 05 38 -69 06 40' x 20' --- Large, bright EN in LMC ! 1000 mm
Sigma Orionis MS HD 37468 Ori 05 38 -02 36 11", 12", 43" 4,10,7,6 Quadruple star 2000 mm
Flame Nebula EN NGC 2024 Ori 05 39 +01 52 30' x 30' --- Next to Alnitak 1000 mm
Simeis 147 SNR SH2-240 Tau 05 39 +28 00 210' x 180' --- S147 Very faint, very large 0200 mm
Horsehead Nebula DN B 033 Ori 05 40 -02 28 6' x 4' --- B33, Horsehead Nebula 0700 mm
Alnitak MS HD 37742 Ori 05 40 -01 57 2.4", 58" 1.9/ 4/ 9.9 Zeta Orionis, triple star 2000 mm
IC 434 EN IC 0434 Ori 05 41 -02 24 60' x 10' 11.0 EN behind Horsehead 0700 mm
NGC 1961 GAL NGC 1961 Cam 05 44 +69 23 4.5' x 3.1' 11.7 Unusual disturbed galaxy Arp 184 2000 mm
Barnard's Loop EN SH2-276 Ori 05 45 -03 12 900' x 900' --- Very large, Faint 0050 mm
Messier 78 RN M 078 Ori 05 46 +00 03 8' x 6' 8.0 M78, RN complex 1000 mm
Messier 37 OC M 037 Aur 05 52 +32 33 15' 5.6 M37, 150 stars 1000 mm
Betelgeuse VS HD 39801 Ori 05 55 +07 24 --- 0.45 Alpha Orionis #9 brightest star 2000 mm
LDN 1622 DN LDN 1622 Ori 05 55 +02 00 15' x 15' --- DN near Barnard's Loop 0700 mm
Camelopardalis CON --- Cam 06 00 +75 00 2910' x 1620' --- Constellation 48.5° x 27° 0018 mm
Auriga CON --- Aur 06 04 +42 01 1920' x 1680' --- Constellation 32° x 28° 0035 mm
Angel Nebula RN NGC 2170 Mon 06 07 -06 24 20' x 10' --- Very faint EN/RN complex 1000 mm
NGC 2158 OC NGC 2158 Gem 06 07 +24 06 5' 8.6 Small open cluster by M35 2000 mm
Messier 35 OC M 035 Gem 06 08 +24 20 30' 5.1 M35, beautiful OC with NGC 2158 1000 mm
Monkey Head EN NGC 2174 Ori 06 09 +20 30 40' x 30' 6.8 Large bright nebula 1000 mm
The "37" Cluster OC NGC 2169 Ori 06 09 +13 58 7.0' 5.9 Open cluster 2000 mm
Lower's Nebula EN SH2-261 Ori 06 10 +15 49 30' x 15' --- Large, faint emission nebula 2000 mm
Jellyfish SNR IC 0443 Gem 06 13 +22 48 50' x 40' 12 IC 443 very faint SNR 0700 mm
IC 2162 EN IC 2162 Ori 06 14 +17 59 18' x 13' --- 1 of 3 round nebulae 1000 mm
Canopus S HD 45348 Car 06 23 -52 42 --- -0.72 Alpha Carinae #2 brightest star 2000 mm
Beta Monocerotis MS HD 45725 Mon 06 29 -07 02 7", 10" 4.7,5.2,6.1 Herschel's Wonder Star 2000 mm
IC 2169 RN IC 2169 Mon 06 31 +09 53 25' x 20' --- Blue reflection nebula 1000 mm
NGC 2244 OC NGC 2244 Mon 06 32 +04 52 24' 4.8 Cluster in Rosette Nebula 1000 mm
Rosette Nebula EN NGC 2237 Mon 06 32 +05 03 80' x 60' 5.5 Large emission nebula and cluster ! 0500 mm
Hubble's Variable Neb RN NGC 2261 Mon 06 39 +08 44 4' x 2' --- Fan shaped RN 3000 mm
Cone Nebula EN NGC 2264 Mon 06 40 +09 54 60' x 30' 3.9 Christmas Tree cluster in Cone neb 1000 mm
Sirius DS HD 48915 CMa 06 45 -16 43 4.54" -1.46 / 8.5 Sirius and the Pup #1 brightest star 3000 mm
Messier 41 OC M 041 CMa 06 47 -20 44 39' 4.5 M41, open cluster 0500 mm
Canis Major CON --- CMa 06 49 -22 08 1320' x 1140' --- Constellation 22° x 19° 0035 mm
Monoceros CON --- Mon 07 04 +00 17 2040' x 1380' --- Constellation 34° x 23° 0024 mm
Messier 50 OC M 050 Mon 07 03 -08 20 15' 5.9 M50, near IC 2177 1000 mm
Seagull Nebula EN IC 2177 Mon 07 03 -10 29 180' x 120' --- Very large but faint nebula 0200 mm
Gemini CON --- Gem 07 04 +22 36 1680' x 1500' --- Constellation 28° x 25° 0035 mm
Zeta Geminorum VS HD 52973 Gem 07 05 +20 33 --- 3.6 to 4.2 Cepheid var 10.15 day period 2000 mm
Integral Sign Galaxy GAL UGC 3697 Cam 07 13 +71 48 3.5'x0.3' 12.9 Very thin, edge-on spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Herschel 3945 DS HD 56577 CMa 07 16 -23 19 27" 4.8 / 6.8 Winter Albireo, blue + gold 2000 mm
Thor's Helmet EN NGC 2359 CMa 07 18 -13 12 9' x 6' --- EN + RN around Wolf-Rayet star 2000 mm
Tau Canis Majoris Cluster OC NGC 2362 CMa 07 19 -24 57 6' 3.8 Tau CMa is triple star in OC 3000 mm
Medusa Nebula PN Abell 21 Gem 07 29 +13 15 12' 13 PK 205+14.1, CS=15.9 2000 mm
Eskimo Nebula PN NGC 2392 Gem 07 29 +20 55 43" 9.1 Clown Face PN, CS=10.5 3000 mm
Castor DS HD 60179 Gem 07 34 +31 53 2.2" 1.9 / 2.9 Alpha Geminorum, close double star 2000 mm
Messier 47 OC M 047 Pup 07 36 -14 30 25' 4.4 M47, open cluster 1000 mm
NGC 2403 GAL NGC 2403 Cam 07 36 +65 36 23' x 12' 8.2 Large and bright 2000 mm
Canis Minor CON --- CMi 07 38 +06 26 960' x 840' --- Constellation 16° x 14° 0035 mm
Procyon S HD 61421 CMi 07 39 -05 13 --- 0.34 Alpha CMi #8 brightest star 2000 mm
Intergalactic Wanderer GC NGC 2419 Lyn 07 39 +38 51 4.6' 10.3 Intergalactic Tramp Globular CL 2000 mm
Messier 46 OC M 046 Pup 07 41 -14 49 20' 6.1 M46, OC with PN 1000 mm
NGC 2438 PN NGC 2438 Pup 07 41 -14 44 76" 10.8 PN inside M46 CS=17.7 3000 mm
Messier 93 OC M 093 Pup 07 44 -23 52 10' 6.2 M93, 80 stars 2000 mm
Pollux S HD 62509 Gem 07 45 +28 01 --- 1.10 Beta Geminorum 2000 mm
NGC 2477 OC NGC 2477 Pup 07 53 -38 34 20.0' 5.0 Open cluster in Puppis 1000 mm
Toby Jug Nebula RN IC 2220 Car 07 57 -59 10 6' x 4' --- Unusual RN around red giant 3000 mm
NGC 2516 OC NGC 2516 Car 07 58 -60 47 21.0' 3 Open cluster in Carina 0400 mm
Messier 48 OC M 048 Hya 08 13 -05 48 54' 5.8 M48, 80 stars 1000 mm
Gum Nebula SNR GUM 12 Vel 08 30 -45 00 1200' x 800' --- Very large, very faint 0050 mm
Cancer CON --- Cnc 08 39 +19 48 1560' x 1200' --- Constellation 26° x 20° 0035 mm
Messier 44 OC M 044 Cnc 08 40 +19 59 70' 3.1 M44, Praesepe, Beehive, 50 stars 0400 mm
IC 2391 OC IC 2391 Vel 08 40 -52 57 60' 2.5 Omicron Velorum cluster 0300 mm
Messier 67 OC M 067 Cnc 08 50 +11 49 25' 6.9 M67, 200 stars 1000 mm
Helix Galaxy GAL NGC 2685 UMa 08 57 +58 40 4.6' x 2.1' 12.1 Aka Pancake Galaxy 3000 mm
The Pencil EN NGC 2736 Vel 09 01 -46 00 30' x 10' --- Part of the Vela SNR 2000 mm
NGC 2903 GAL NGC 2903 Leo 09 32 +30 07 12.6' x 6.6' 8.90 Large bright spiral 3000 mm
Messier 81 GAL M 081 UMa 09 55 +69 04 24.9' x 11.5' 7.0 M81, spectacular spiral ! 2000 mm
Messier 82 GAL M 082 UMa 09 55 +69 41 11.2' x 4.3' 8.6 M82, spectacular irregular ! 2000 mm
Twin Quasar Q 8C 0958+561 UMa 10 01 +55 53 --- 16.7, 16.5 Q0957+561A & B, NGC 3079 nearby 3000 mm
Spindle Galaxy GAL NGC 3115 Sex 10 05 -07 43 8' x 3' 8.9 Lenticular galaxy 3000 mm
Eight Burst PN NGC 3132 Vel 10 07 -40 26 53" x 84" 9.4 Planetary nebula CS=16 5000 mm
Regulus DS HD 87901 Leo 10 08 +11 58 177" 1.4 / 7.7 Alpha Leonis 2000 mm
Leo 1 GAL UGC 5470 Leo 10 09 +12 15 8.5' x 11' 10.2 Regulus Dwarf Galaxy 1000 mm
NGC 3195 PN NGC 3195 Cha 10 09 -80 55 48' x 30' 10.0 PN in Chamaeleon 3000 mm
Leo Minor CON --- LMi 10 14 +32 08 1320' x 1020' --- Constellation 22° x 17° 0024 mm
NGC 3166 GAL NGC 3166 Sex 10 14 +03 21 4.8' x 1.9' 11.4 8' SW of NGC 3169 2000 mm
NGC 3169 GAL NGC 3169 Sex 10 15 +03 24 4.2 'x 2.9' 11.2 8' NE of NGC 3166 2000 mm
NGC 3201 GC NGC 3201 Vel 10 17 -46 25 18.2' 6.7 Globular in Vela 2000 mm
NGC 3184 GAL NGC 3184 UMa 10 18 +41 25 7' 9.6 Face-on spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Hickson 44 GAL GR HCG 44 Leo 10 18 +21 50 5' x 2' 10.90 4-galaxy group with NGC 3190 3000 mm
NGC 3190 GAL NGC 3190 Leo 10 19 +21 45 4' x 1.5' 11.1 Part of Hickson 44 3000 mm
Algieba DS HD 89484 Leo 10 20 +19 51 4.24" 2.2 / 3.5 Gamma Leonis 2000 mm
Ghost of Jupiter PN NGC 3242 Hya 10 24 -18 38 64" 7.7 PN CS=12.0, Eye Nebula 5000 mm
Coddington's Nebula GAL IC 2574 UMa 10 29 +68 20 12.9' x 5.3' 10.8 Dwarf irregular galaxy 2000 mm
Gem Cluster OC NGC 3293 Car 10 36 -58 18 40' 4.0 Open cluster near Eta Carinae 1000 mm
Leo CON --- Leo 10 40 +13 09 2280' x 2220' --- Constellation 38° x 37° 0018 mm
Eta Carinae EN NGC 3372 Car 10 43 -59 52 180' x 120' 3.0 Carina Nebula, spectacular ! 0400 mm
IC 2602 OC IC 2602 Car 10 43 -64 28 100' 1.9 Large loose open cluster 0300 mm
Messier 95 GAL M 095 Leo 10 44 +11 42 7.4' x 5.2' 9.8 M95, barred spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Trumpler 16 OC TR 16 Car 10 45 -59 43 10' 5.0 Cluster in Eta Carinae Nebula 0500 mm
Messier 96 GAL M 096 Leo 10 46 +11 49 7.8' x 5.0' 9.3 M96, spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 105 GAL M 105 Leo 10 47 +12 35 4.5' x 4' 9.3 M105, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
V Hydrae CS SAO 179278 Hya 10 51 -21 20 --- 6.6 to 8.4 Carbon star +5.55 B-V 2000 mm
Dubhe S HD 95689 UMa 11 03 +61 45 --- 1.80 Alpha Ursae Majoris 2000 mm
NGC 3532 OC NGC 3532 Car 11 06 -58 50 50' 3.0 Nice open cluster 0400 mm
Messier 108 GAL M 108 UMa 11 11 +55 40 8.6' x 2.4' 9.9 M108, irregular galaxy 3000 mm
The Guitar GAL NGC 3561 UMa 11 12 +28 37 42" 14.7 Ambartsumian's Knot also involved 3000 mm
Messier 97 PN M 097 UMa 11 14 +55 01 2.83' 9.9 M97, Owl Nebula CS=15.8 3000 mm
Ursa Major CON --- UMa 11 19 +50 43 2880' x 2760' --- Constellation 48° x 46° 0018 mm
Messier 65 GAL M 065 Leo 11 19 +13 05 9.8' x 2.9' 9.2 M65, Leo Trio spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Messier 66 GAL M 066 Leo 11 20 +12 55 9.1' x 4.1' 8.9 M66, Leo Trio spiral galaxy 2000 mm
NGC 3628 GAL NGC 3628 Leo 11 20 +13 36 13.1' x 3.1' 9.6 Leo Trio irregular galaxy 2000 mm
Arp 214 GAL Arp 214 UMa 11 32 +53 06 8.1' x 4' 10.6 Warped NGC 3718 with NGC 3729 3000 mm
Pearl Cluster OC NGC 3766 Cen 11 37 -61 41 14' 5.0 Open cluster in Centaurus 2000 mm
Running Chicken EN IC 2944 Cen 11 38 -63 22 75' x 70' 4.5 Near Lambda Centauri 0700 mm
Copeland's Septet GAL GR HCG 57 Leo 11 39 +21 54 1.7'x0.5' 14.5 NGC 3753 5000 mm
Abell 1367 GAL CL Abell 1367 Leo 11 44 +19 45 100' --- Leo GAL CL with NGC 3861 1000 mm
Wild's Triplet GAL GR Arp 248 Vir 11 47 -03 56 1.2' x 0.6' 14.4 PGC 36723, 36733, 36742 5000 mm
Denebola S HD 102647 Leo 11 49 +14 13 --- 2.10 Beta Leonis 2000 mm
Messier 109 GAL M 109 UMa 11 57 +53 23 7.5' x 4.4' 9.8 M109, barred spiral galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4027 GAL NGC 4027 Crv 12 00 -19 20 3.3' x 2.4' 11.6 Near the Antennae galaxies 3000 mm
Antennae Galaxies GAL Arp 244 Crv 12 01 -18 52 2.6' x 1.8' 10.3, 10.9 Ringtails: NGC 4038, NGC 4039 3000 mm
Messier 98 GAL M 098 Com 12 13 +14 54 9.8' x 2.8' 10.1 M98, Sb spiral galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4236 GAL NGC 4236 Dra 12 16 +69 28 19' x 7' 9.7 Galaxy in Draco 2500 mm
Silver Needle GAL NGC 4244 CVn 12 17 +37 49 16.6' x 1.9' 10.0 Edge-on galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 99 GAL M 099 Com 12 18 +14 25 5.3' x 4.6' 9.7 M99, face-on spiral 3000 mm
Messier 106 GAL M 106 CVn 12 19 +47 18 18.6' x 7.2' 8.3 M106, big and bright spiral 1000 mm
Messier 40 DS M 040 UMa 12 20 +58 22 49" 9 / 9.3 M40, double star Winnecke 4 (WNC 4) 2000 mm
Messier 61 GAL M 061 Vir 12 21 +04 28 6' x 5.5' 9.6 M61, spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 100 GAL M 100 Com 12 22 +15 49 7.5' x 6.1' 9.3 M100, face-on spiral 3000 mm
Corvus CON --- Crv 12 24 -20 06 870' x 810' --- Constellation 14.5° x 13.5° 0050 mm
Coma Star Cluster OC Mel 111 Com 12 25 +25 55 1.8 Coma Berenices open cluster 3000 mm
Messier 84 GAL M 084 Vir 12 25 +12 53 6.5' x 5.6' 9.2 M84, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 85 GAL M 085 Com 12 25 +18 11 7' x 5' 9.2 M85, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4372 GC NGC 4372 Mus 12 25 -72 40 18.6' 7.8 GC near Dark Doodad DN 2000 mm
SS Virginis CS HD 108105 Vir 12 25 +00 47 --- 7.4 to 9.5 Carbon star +4.21 B-V 2000 mm
Messier 86 GAL M 086 Vir 12 26 +12 57 8.9' x 5.8' 8.9 M86, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
Acrux DS HD 108248 Cru 12 26 -63 06 4.4" 1.4 / 1.9 Alpha Crucis 2000 mm
Markarian's Chain GAL CL Virgo Cluster Vir 12 28 +13 00 135' x 90' --- Amazing galaxy group ! 0500 mm
The Eyes GAL NGC 4438, 4435 Vir 12 28 +12 56 9' x 9' --- Pair of interacting galaxies 3000 mm
NGC 4449 GAL NGC 4449 CVn 12 29 +44 01 6.2' x 4.9' 10.0 Interesting irregular galaxy 3000 mm
Quasar 3C 273 Q 3C 273 Vir 12 29 +02 03 --- 12-13 Brightest quasar 3000 mm
Messier 49 GAL M 049 Vir 12 29 +08 00 9' x 7.5' 8.4 M49, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 87 GAL M 087 Vir 12 30 +12 24 8.3' x 6.6' 8.6 M87, big elliptical galaxy 2000 mm
Cocoon Galaxy GAL NGC 4490 CVn 12 30 +41 38 6' x 3' 9.8 Interacting with NGC 4485 3000 mm
Virgo Cluster GAL CL Virgo Cl Vir 12 31 +13 21 4.5° x 3° --- Virgo Galaxy Cluster 0300 mm
Messier 88 GAL M 088 Com 12 32 +14 25 7' x 4' 9.5 M88, spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Lemon Slice Nebula PN IC 3568 Cam 12 33 +82 29 6" 11.6 Faint, small planetary 3000 mm
Dark Doodad DN Sandqvist 149 Mus 12 33 -71 00 150' x 20' --- Long dark nebula 0300 mm
Messier 91 GAL M 091 Com 12 35 +14 30 5.4' x 4.4' 10.9 M91, barred spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 89 GAL M 089 Vir 12 35 +12 33 3.5' x 3.5' 9.9 M89, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
Siamese Twins GAL NGC 4567-8 Vir 12 36 +11 15 4.6' x 2.1' 11.00 Siamese Twins 3000 mm
Needle Galaxy GAL NGC 4565 Com 12 36 +25 59 15.8' x 2.1' 9.5 Edge-on galaxy 2000 mm
Messier 90 GAL M 090 Vir 12 36 +13 10 9.5' x 4.4' 9.4 M90, spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 58 GAL M 058 Vir 12 37 +11 49 6' x 4.8' 9.6 M58, spiral galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4559 GAL NGC 4559 Com 12 37 +27 53 11.0' x 4.9' 10.3 Spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Messier 68 GC M 068 Hya 12 39 -26 45 12' 8.2 M68, globular cluster 2000 mm
NGC 4631 GAL NGC 4631 CVn 12 39 +32 49 15.2' x 2.8' 9.1 The Whale, with NGC 4656 3000 mm
Messier 104 GAL M 104 Vir 12 40 -11 37 8.6' x 4.2' 8.3 M104, Sombrero Galaxy, dust lane 3000 mm
Porrima DS HD 110379 Vir 12 41 -01 27 1.5" 3.5 / 3.5 Gamma Vir - tight white pair 2000 mm
Messier 59 GAL M 059 Vir 12 42 +11 39 5.4' x 3.7' 9.7 M59, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 60 GAL M 060 Vir 12 43 +11 33 7.6' x 6.2' 8.8 M60, elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4656 GAL NGC 4656 CVn 12 44 +32 10 15.3' x 2.4' 10.1 The Golf Club, by NGC 4631 3000 mm
Y CVn CS HD 110914 CVn 12 45 +45 26 --- 4.8 to 6.3 Carbon star +3.40 B-V La Superba 2000 mm
Coma Berenices CON --- Com 12 47 +23 18 1380' x 1200' --- Constellation 23° x 20° 0035 mm
The Mice GAL NGC 4676A + B Com 12 47 +30 39 1.4' x 0.6' 14.7 Interacting galaxies 5000 mm
DY Crucis CS TYC 8659-1394-1 Cru 12 47 -59 42 --- 8.4 to 9.8 Carbon star +5.56 B-V Ruby Crucis 2000 mm
NGC 4725 GAL NGC 4725 Com 12 50 +25 30 11' x 8' 9.3 Spiral galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 4731 GAL NGC 4731 Vir 12 52 -06 28 6.3' x 2.6' 11.9 Distorted barred spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Coalsack DN Coalsack Cru 12 53 -63 00 400' x 300' --- Large DN next to Southern Cross 0085 mm
Jewel Box OC NGC 4755 Cru 12 53 -60 02 10' 4.20 OC with very nice colors 2000 mm
NGC 4762 GAL NGC 4762 Vir 12 53 +11 09 8.6' x 2.0' 11.1 Edge-on, with NGC 4754 3000 mm
Cor Caroli DS HD 112413 CVn 12 56 +38 19 19.4" 2.9 / 5.5 Alpha Canum Venaticorum 2000 mm
Messier 64 GAL M 064 Com 12 56 +21 41 10.0' x 5.4' 8.5 M64, Black eye Galaxy 2000 mm
QSO Q 1256+2803 Q Q 1256+2803 Com 12 59 +27 47 --- 21.0 Quasar 11.8 billion LY distant 2000 mm
Messier 94 GAL M 094 CVn 12 59 +41 07 13' x 11' 8.2 M94, spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Coma Galaxy Cl GAL CL Abell 1656 Com 13 01 +27 54 90' x 60' --- Coma Berenices Galaxy Cluster 1000 mm
NGC 4945 GAL NGC 4945 Cen 13 05 -49 28 20' x 4.4' 8.3 Galaxy in Centaurus 2000 mm
Canes Venatici CON --- CVn 13 06 +40 06 1500' x 1500' --- Constellation 25° x 25° 0035 mm
Messier 53 GC M 053 Com 13 12 +18 10 12.6' 7.7 M53, globular cluster 2000 mm
NGC 5033 GAL NGC 5033 CVn 13 14 +36 31 9.8' x 3.6' 10.7 Sc spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Messier 63 GAL M 063 CVn 13 15 +42 02 12.6' x 7.2' 8.5 M63, Sunflower Galaxy 2000 mm
NGC 5053 GC NGC 5053 Com 13 16 +17 42 10.5' 9.8 Globular cluster 2500 mm
Mizar & Alcor MS HD 116656 UMa 13 23 +54 55 11.8', 14.4" 2.3 / 4.0 Triple star Zeta Ursae Majoris 2000 mm
Virgo CON --- Vir 13 25 -04 10 3360' x 2160' --- Constellation 53° x 36° 0018 mm
Spica S HD 116658 Vir 13 25 -11 09 --- 1.00 Alpha Virginis 2000 mm
Centaurus A GAL NGC 5128 Cen 13 25 -43 01 25.7' x 20' 6.6 Irregular galaxy 2000 mm
Omega Centauri GC NGC 5139 Cen 13 26 -47 29 55' 5.3 Spectacular globular cluster ! 1000 mm
Messier 51 GAL M 051 CVn 13 29 +47 12 11.2' x 6.9' 8.1 M51, Whirlpool Galaxy ! 2000 mm
NGC 5195 GAL NGC 5195 CVn 13 30 +46 40 5.4' x 4.3' 9.6 Companion to M51 2000 mm
Messier 83 GAL M 083 Hya 13 37 -29 52 12.9' x 11.5' 7.5 M83, Southern Pinwheel 2000 mm
Messier 3 GC M 003 CVn 13 42 +28 23 18' 6.3 M3, very nice globular 2000 mm
Heron Galaxy GAL NGC 5395 CVn 13 59 +37 21 2.7' x 1.3' 12.5 Interacting with NGC 5394 3000 mm
Messier 101 GAL M 101 UMa 14 03 +54 21 28.8' x 26.9' 7.5 M101, big spiral galaxy 1000 mm
Arcturus S HD 124897 Boo 14 15 +19 10 --- -0.04 Alpha Boötis #4 brightest star 2000 mm
Rigel Kentaurus DS HD 128620 Cen 14 39 -60 49 20" -0.01 / 1.33 Alpha Centauri, #3 brightest star 2000 mm
Boötes CON --- Boo 14 43 +31 12 2880' x 1440' --- Constellation 48° x 24° 0018 mm
Izar DS HD 129988 Boo 14 45 +27 05 2.8" 2.5 / 5.0 Epsilon Boötis, yellow and blue DS 2000 mm
Ursa Minor CON --- UMi 15 00 +77 42 1560' x 1020' --- Constellation 26° x 17° 0018 mm
Messier 102 GAL M 102 Dra 15 07 +55 42 6.5' x 3.1' 9.9 M102 Mystery: NGC 5866 or M101? 3000 mm
Draco CON --- Dra 15 08 +67 01 3300' x 2160' --- Constellation 55° x 36° 0018 mm
Libra CON --- Lib 15 12 -15 14 1740' x 1440' --- Constellation 29° x 24° 0018 mm
Splinter Galaxy GAL NGC 5907 Dra 15 15 +56 19 12.6' x 1.4' 10.7 Edge-on galaxy 3000 mm
NGC 5905 GAL NGC 5905 Dra 15 16 +55 28 3.8' x 2.3' 12.9 Barred spiral near NGC 5908 2000 mm
Hoag's Object GAL PGC 54559 Ser 15 17 +21 32 0.4' x 0.4' 16.06 Ring galaxy 3000 mm
Messier 5 GC M 005 Ser 15 18 +02 05 23.0' 5.7 M5, very nice globular cluster 2000 mm
Draco Trio GAL NGC 5985 Dra 15 20 +59 20 5.5' x 3.0' 11.5 Draco Trio spiral galaxy 3000 mm
Eta CrB DS HD 137107 CrB 15 23 +30 17 0.67" 5.6 / 5.9 Eta Coronae Borealis, very close DS 2000 mm
Draco Trio GAL NGC 5981 Dra 15 37 +59 23 2.7' x 0.3' 13.2 Draco Trio edge-on galaxy 3000 mm
Draco Trio GAL NGC 5982 Dra 15 38 +59 21 2.6' x 1.9' 11.0 Draco Trio elliptical galaxy 3000 mm
R Coronae Borealis VS HD 141527 CrB 15 49 +28 07 --- 5.7 to 14.8 Irregular eruptive variable 2000 mm
V Coronae Borealis CS HD 141826 CrB 15 51 +32 37 --- 6.9 to 12.2 Carbon star +3.18 B-V 2000 mm
Corona Borealis CON --- CrB 15 54 +32 46 840' x 840' --- Constellation 14° x 14° 0050 mm
Seyfert's Sextet GAL GR HCG 79 Ser 16 00 +20 43 2' x 2.5' 14 6 galaxies with NGC 6027 3000 mm
SH2-1 RN SH2-001 Sco 16 00 -26 11 240' x 120' --- VL RN around Pi Sco 0100 mm
Hercules Galaxy Cl GAL CL Abell 2151 Her 16 05 +17 44 30' x 20' --- Hercules Galaxy Cluster 3000 mm
Tadpole Galaxy GAL Arp 188 Dra 16 06 +55 23 3.6' x 0.8' 15 PGC 57129 / UGC 10214 3000 mm
Blue Horsehead RN IC 4592 Sco 16 12 -19 30 180' x 120' --- VL RN around Nu Sco 0200 mm
White Eyed Pea PN IC 4593 Her 16 12 +12 02 12" 10.9 Complex PN with ansae 5000 mm
Messier 80 GC M 080 Sco 16 17 -22 59 8.9' 7.2 M80, globular cluster 3000 mm
Ant Nebula PN PK 331-1.1 Nor 16 18 -52 01 35.0" x 16.0" 13.8 Bi-polar planetary nebula 3000 mm
SH2-9 EN SH2-009 Sco 16 21 -25 35 60' x 50' --- Around Sigma Scorpii 1000 mm
Messier 4 GC M 004 Sco 16 23 -26 32 36' 5.4 M4, globular cluster 1000 mm
IC 4604 RN IC 4604 Sco 16 25 -23 26 60' x 25' --- Rho Ophiuchi nebula 1000 mm
NGC 6144 GC NGC 6144 Sco 16 27 -26 02 9.3' 9.2 Next to M4 and Antares 2000 mm
Abell 39 PN PK 47+42.1 Her 16 28 +27 52 2.9' 13.7 Extremely faint, spherical, CS=15.8 2000 mm
Antares DS HD 148478 Sco 16 30 -26 27 3" 1.0 / 7 Alpha Scorpii 3000 mm
Antares Nebula RN CED 132 Sco 16 30 -26 27 85' x 80' --- Rare yellow RN, VdB 107 0300 mm
IC 4605 EN NGC 4605 Sco 16 30 -25 06 30' x 30' 10.8 RN Nebula near Antares 0300 mm
Messier 107 GC M 107 Oph 16 32 -13 03 17' 5.7 M107, globular cluster 2000 mm
Zeta Ophiuchi Neb EN SH2-027 Oph 16 37 -10 35 12° x 9° --- SH2-27, very large EN 0085 mm
Barnard 44 DN B 044 Sco 16 40 -24 05 600' x 60' --- B44, the Dark River 0085 mm
NGC 6188 EN NGC 6188 Ara 16 40 +48 47 20' x 12' --- Emission nebula 1000 mm
Messier 13 GC M 013 Her 16 41 +36 28 20' 5.8 M13, globular, spectacular ! 2000 mm
Messier 12 GC M 012 Oph 16 47 -01 57 16' 6.1 M12, globular cluster 2000 mm
Scorpius CON --- Sco 16 53 -27 02 2220' x 1620' --- Constellation 37° x 27° 0024 mm
Table of Scorpius OC NGC 6231 Sco 16 54 -41 48 26' 2.6 Table of Scorpius area 1000 mm
Serpens CON --- Ser 16 57 +06 07 2200' x 1700' --- Constellation 12° x 9°, 29° x 16° 0050 mm
IC 4628 EN IC 4628 Sco 16 57 -40 20 90' x 60' --- Emission nebula in Table of Scorpius 0400 mm
Messier 10 GC M 010 Oph 16 57 -04 06 20' 6.6 M10, near M12 2000 mm
Messier 62 GC M 062 Oph 17 01 -30 07 5.7' 5.2 M62, globular cluster 3000 mm
Messier 19 GC M 019 Oph 17 03 -26 17 5.3' 6.8 M19, globular cluster 3000 mm
Butterfly Nebula PN PK 10+18.2 Oph 17 06 -10 09 39" x15" 14.6 M2-9, Siamese Squid, Twinjet Nebula 3000 mm
Bug Nebula PN NGC 6302 Sco 17 13 -37 06 2' x 1' 12.8 Bipolar planetary nebula 5000 mm
Rasalgethi DS HD 156014 Her 17 14 +14 23 4.6" 3.5 / 5.4 Alpha Herculis 2000 mm
NGC 6309 PN NGC 6309 Oph 17 15 -12 55 16" 10.8 Box Nebula, irregular PN 5000 mm
Messier 92 GC M 092 Her 17 17 +43 08 11.2' 6.50 M92, globular cluster, nice 2000 mm
Messier 9 GC M 009 Oph 17 19 -18 31 9.3' 7.9 M9, globular cluster 3000 mm
Cat's Paw EN NGC 6334 Sco 17 20 -35 43 40' x 30' --- Large emission nebula 0700 mm
Hercules CON --- Sco 17 23 +27 30 2820 x 2460 --- Constellation 47° x 41° 0018 mm
The Snake Nebula DN B 072 Oph 17 23 -23 38 20' x 15' --- B72, dark nebula 0700 mm
Ophiuchus CON --- Oph 17 24 -07 55 2580' x 2220' --- Constellation 43° x 37° 0018 mm
NGC 6357 EN NGC 6357 Sco 17 24 -34 10 50' x 40' --- Large emission nebula 0700 mm
Barnard 75 DN B 075 Oph 17 25 -21 58 100' x 65' --- B75, intricate dark nebula 1000 mm
Dark Horse Nebula DN LDN 42, 1773 Oph 17 27 -25 57 600' x 480' --- Pipe neb is hindquarters 0050 mm
Little Ghost PN NGC 6369 Oph 17 29 -23 46 30" 10.4 Planetary nebula, CS=16.0 3000 mm
Pipe Nebula DN LDN 1773 Oph 17 32 -27 00 450' x 240' --- Large dark nebula 0085 mm
Messier 14 GC M 014 Oph 17 37 -03 15 11.7' 7.5 M14, globular cluster 2000 mm
Messier 6 OC M 006 Sco 17 40 -32 13 33' 4.2 M6, open cluster 1000 mm
NGC 6397 GC NGC 6397 Ara 17 40 -53 40 25.7' 5.6 Big globular 1000 mm
IC 4665 OC IC 4665 Oph 17 47 +05 43 41' 4.2 Large OC 1000 mm
Barnard 84 DN B 084 Sgr 17 47 -20 11 30' x 15' --- B84 DN 1000 mm
Little Gem PN NGC 6445 Sgr 17 49 -20 00 30" 13 Box nebula 3000 mm
Messier 7 OC M 007 Sco 17 53 -34 49 75' 3.3 M7, open cluster 0300 mm
Messier 23 OC M 023 Sgr 17 58 -19 01 25' 5.5 M23, open cluster 1000 mm
Cat's Eye PN NGC 6543 Dra 17 58 +66 38 23" x 17" 8.1 Beautiful planetary nebula CS=11.4 3000 mm
Barnard's Star S TYC 425-2502-1 Oph 18 58 +04 44 --- 9.54 4th closest star 1000 mm
Barnard 86 DN B 086 Sgr 18 02 -27 50 4.0' x 3.5' --- B86, the Ink Spot 3000 mm
Messier 20 EN M 020 Sgr 18 02 -23 02 20' 6.3 M20, Trifid Nebula ! 1000 mm
NGC 6520 OC NGC 6520 Sgr 18 03 -27 54 5' 7.6 In Small Sagittarius Star Cloud 3000 mm
Messier 8 EN M 008 Sgr 18 04 -24 23 60' x 30' 5.0 M8, Lagoon Nebula ! 0700 mm
Messier 21 OC M 021 Sgr 18 04 -22 30 16' 5.9 M21, OC NE of M20 2000 mm
NGC 6544 GC NGC 6544 Sgr 18 07 -25 00 8.9' 8.2 Globular just SE of M8 1000 mm
IC 1274 EN IC 1274 Sgr 18 09 -23 44 9' x 8' --- Complex east of M8 1000 mm
Tom Thumb Cluster GC NGC 6541 CrA 18 09 -43 42 13.1 6.3 Globular cluster in Corona Australis 2000 mm
NGC 6559 EN NGC 6559 Sgr 18 10 -24 06 8' x 5' --- Complex east of M8 1000 mm
IC 1275 EN IC 1275 Sgr 18 10 -23 50 10' x 6' --- Complex east of M8 1000 mm
Messier 24 SC M 024 Sgr 18 15 -17 59 120' 5.0 M24, Small Sgr Star Cloud 0200 mm
Barnard 93 DN B 093 Sgr 18 16 -18 07 15' x 5' --- B93, In M24, near B92 1000 mm
Barnard 92 DN B 092 Sgr 18 16 -18 11 15' x 9' --- B92, In M24, near B93 1000 mm
IC 1283-4 EN IC 1283 Sgr 18 17 -19 40 17' x 15' 7.7 EN just south of M24 1000 mm
NGC 6589 RN NGC 6589 Sgr 18 17 -19 48 5' x 3' --- Small reflection neb 2000 mm
NGC 6590 RN NGC 6590 Sgr 18 17 -19 53 4' x 3' 7.0b Small reflection neb 2000 mm
NGC 6603 OC NGC 6603 Sgr 18 18 -18 25 5' 11.1 Inside M24 Star Cloud 2000 mm
Messier 16 OC M 016 Ser 18 18 -13 47 7' x 7' 6.0 M16, Eagle, Star Queen CL in EN 2000 mm
Messier 18 OC M 018 Sgr 18 19 -17 08 7' 6.9v M18, 20 stars 2500 mm
Messier 17 EN M 017 Sgr 18 20 -16 11 11' x 11' 6.0 M17, Swan, Omega ! 2000 mm
NGC 6618 OC NGC 6618 Sgr 18 20 -16 11 11' 6.0 OC inside M17 Omega Nebula 3000 mm
Messier 28 GC M 028 Sgr 18 24 -24 52 11.2' 6.9 M28, globular cluster 3000 mm
NGC 6633 OC NGC 6633 Oph 18 28 +06 31 20' 4.6 Nice large open cluster 1000 mm
Messier 69 GC M 069 Sgr 18 31 -32 21 7' 7.7 M69, globular cluster 3000 mm
Messier 25 OC M 025 Sgr 18 31 -19 15 25' 4.6 M25, large open cluster 1000 mm
T Lyrae CS HIP 90883 Lyr 18 32 +37 00 --- 7.32 to 7.82 Carbon star +5.46 B-V 2000 mm
Messier 22 GC M 022 Sgr 18 36 -23 54 32' 5.2 M22, large globular ! 1000 mm
Vega S HD 172167 Lyr 18 37 +38 47 --- -0.03 Alpha Lyrae #5 brightest star 2000 mm
Scutum CON --- Sct 18 40 -09 53 720' x 540' --- Constellation 12° x 9° 0050 mm
Messier 70 GC M 070 Sgr 18 43 -32 18 7.8' 8.0 M70, globular cluster 3000 mm
Epsilon Lyrae DS HD 173582 Lyr 18 44 +39 40 3.5' 5.0 / 5.0 The Double Double ! 3000 mm
Messier 26 OC M 026 Sgr 18 45 -09 24 10' 8.0 M26, open cluster 3000 mm
Barnard 104 DN B 104 Sct 18 48 -04 31 20' x 10' --- B104, dark nebula 1000 mm
Sheliak VS HD 174638 Lyr 18 50 +33 23 --- 3.25 to 4.36 Beta Lyrae, var 12.94 day period 2000 mm
Lyra CON --- Lyr 18 51 +36 41 1260' x 900' --- Constellation 21° x 15° 0024 mm
Messier 11 OC M 011 Sct 18 51 -06 16 11' 5.8 M11, Wild Duck open cluster 1000 mm
Messier 57 PN M 057 Lyr 18 53 +33 02 98" x 80" 8.8 M57, Ring Nebula CS=14.7 ! 3000 mm
Messier 54 GC M 054 Sgr 18 55 -30 29 9' 7.7 M54, globular cluster 3000 mm
NGC 6726 Area RN NGC 6726 CrA 19 03 -36 52 80' --- NGC 6723, NGC 6729, IC 4812 0700 mm
V Aquilae CS HD 177336 Aql 19 04 -05 41 --- 6.6 to 8.4 Carbon star +4.00 B-V 2000 mm
Sagittarius CON --- Sgr 19 06 -28 29 2640' x 2220' --- Constellation 44° x 37° 0024 mm
NGC 6744 GAL NGC 6744 Pav 19 11 -63 50 20.2' x 13.2' 9.1 Large spiral galaxy 1000 mm
NGC 6752 GC NGC 6752 Pav 19 12 -59 57 20.4' 5.4 3rd brightest globular 1000 mm
Barnard's Black Lizard DN B 138 Aql 19 15 +00 52 140' x 20' --- B138 DN with B139, B140, B141 3000 mm
Messier 56 GC M 056 Lyr 19 16 +30 11 8.8' 8.4 M56, globular cluster 3000 mm
NGC 6781 PN NGC 6781 Aql 19 19 +06 34 1.9' 11.8 Planetary nebula, CS=16.9 3000 mm
LDN 673 DN LDN 673 Aql 19 21 +11 17 60' x 60' --- Dark nebula in Aquila 0700 mm
Brocchi's cluster AST CR 399 Vul 19 25 +20 11 90' x 45' 3.6 Coathanger, Al-Sufi's Cluster 0400 mm
Loch Ness Monster DN LDN 772 Vul 19 27 +22 44 120' x 60' --- Large dark nebula in Vul 0300 mm
Albireo DS HD 183912 Cyg 19 30 +27 58 34.4" 3.1 / 5.1 Beautiful blue and gold double ! 2000 mm
Aquila CON --- Aql 19 39 +03 24 1680' x 1680' --- Constellation 28° x 28° 0024 mm
Messier 55 GC M 055 Sgr 19 40 -30 58 19' 6.4 M55, globular cluster 2000 mm
Barnard 143 DN B 143 Aql 19 41 +11 01 30' x 15' --- B143, Barnard's "E" dark nebula 0400 mm
Barnard 142 DN B 142 Aql 19 41 +10 31 30' x 30' --- B142, Barnard's "E" dark nebula 0400 mm
NGC 6820 EN NGC 6820 Vul 19 43 +23 18 30' x 30' --- Nebula with pillar, OC 6823 1000 mm
Barnard's Galaxy GAL NGC 6822 Sgr 19 44 -14 48 15.4' x 14.2' 8.7 Irregular dwarf galaxy 2000 mm
Little Gem PN NGC 6818 Sgr 19 45 -14 07 17" 9.9 Small PN in Sagittarius 3000 mm
Blinking Planetary PN NGC 6826 Cyg 19 45 +50 32 40" 8.8 Planetary nebula CS=10.4 5000 mm
Chi Cygni VS HD 187796 Cyg 19 51 +32 57 --- 3.3 to 14.2 Pulsating var 408 day period 2000 mm
Altair S HD 187642 Aql 19 51 +08 52 --- 0.80 Alpha Aquilae 2000 mm
Messier 71 GC M 071 Sgr 19 53 +18 47 7.2' 8.3 M71, globular cluster 3000 mm
Messier 27 PN M 027 Vul 19 59 +21 43 8.25' x 6.5' 7.4 M27, Dumbbell Nebula ! CS=12.0 2000 mm
Fish on the platter DN B 144 Cyg 20 00 +35 03 360' --- Large dark nebula 0300 mm
Tulip Nebula EN SH2-101 Cyg 20 01 +35 20 16' x 9' --- 45' NE of Eta Cyg 2000 mm
Messier 75 GC M 075 Sgr 20 06 -21 55 6' 8.5 M75, globular cluster 3000 mm
Crescent Nebula EN NGC 6888 Cyg 20 12 +38 21 18' x 13' 10b Nebula around Wolf-Rayet star 2000 mm
Omicron 1 Cygni MS HD 192577 Cyg 20 13 +46 42 5.5', 1.75' 3.7, 4.8, 7 Red, white and blue 2000 mm
Vulpecula CON --- Vul 20 14 +24 27 2040' x 600' --- Constellation 34° x 10° 0024 mm
Omicron 2 Cygni DS HD 192909 Cyg 20 15 +47 43 3.5' 3.9 / 9.7 Good color contrast 2000 mm
Propeller Nebula EN Simeis 57 Cyg 20 15 +43 38 12' x 25' --- S57, DWB 111 1000 mm
Algedi DS HD 192947 Cap 20 18 -12 26 6' 20" 3.58, 4.30 Optical Double Star 1000 mm
Butterfly Nebula EN IC 1318 Cyg 20 20 +40 00 300' x 240' --- Large nebula complex around Sadr 0200 mm
Blue Flash PN NGC 6905 Del 20 22 +20 07 50" x 37" 11.1 Planetary nebula, CS=13.9 5000 mm
Messier 29 OC M 029 Cyg 20 22 +38 21 10' 6.6 M29, open cluster 3000 mm
NGC 6914 EN NGC 6914 Cyg 20 25 +42 31 10' --- EN and RN complex 0700 mm
NGC 6939 OC NGC 6939 Cep 20 31 +60 38 10' 7.8 Near galaxy NGC 6946 2000 mm
Fireworks Galaxy GAL NGC 6946 Cep 20 34 +60 09 11.5' x 9.8' 9.0 Near OC NGC 6939 2000 mm
Cygnus CON --- Cyg 20 35 +44 33 1800' x 1800' --- Constellation 30° x 30° 0024 mm
Deneb S HD 197345 Cyg 20 41 +45 16 --- 1.30 Alpha Cygni 2000 mm
LBN 468 RN LBN 468 Cep 20 42 +67 54 60' x 50' --- Dark and Bright Nebula complex 0400 mm
Witch's Broom SNR NGC 6960 Cyg 20 45 +30 43 70' x 10' --- Western half of Veil 0700 mm
Pickering's Triangle SNR Simeis 3-188 Cyg 20 48 +31 09 45' x 30' --- Pickering's Triangular Wisp 0700 mm
Pelican Nebula EN IC 5070 Cyg 20 50 +44 21 85' x 75' 8.0 Next to North America 1000 mm
Veil Nebula SNR NGC 6995 Cyg 20 51 +31 00 180' x 180' --- Veil Nebula 0200 mm
Messier 72 GC M 072 Aqr 20 53 -12 32 6.6' 9.2 M72, globular cluster 3000 mm
Network Nebula SNR NGC 6992 Cyg 20 56 +31 43 60' x 10' 7.0 Bright east half of Veil w/ NGC 6995 0700 mm
North America Nebula EN NGC 7000 Cyg 20 58 +44 20 120' x 100' 4.0 Very large bright emission nebula 0200 mm
Messier 73 AST M 073 Aqr 20 59 -12 38 1.0' 8.9 M73, 4 star asterism 3000 mm
Northern Coal Sack DN LDN 904 Cyg 21 00 +51 00 180' x 180' --- Between NGC 7000 and Sadr 0200 mm
Fetus Nebula PN NGC 7008 Cyg 21 00 +54 33 100" x 77" 10.6 Planetary nebula, CS=12.3 3000 mm
Iris Nebula RN NGC 7023 Cep 21 01 +68 12 15' x 12' 7.1 Bright reflection nebula 2000 mm
Egg Nebula PN PK 80-6.1 Cyg 21 02 +36 42 27" x 18" 13.5 Very faint PN, CS=12.2 3000 mm
Capricornus CON --- Cap 21 03 -18 02 1620' x 1140' --- Constellation 27° x 19° 0024 mm
Saturn Nebula PN NGC 7009 Aqr 21 04 -11 22 25" x 12" 8.0 Planetary nebula CS=11.5 3000 mm
Piazzi's Flying Star DS 61 Cygni Cyg 21 07 +38 45 30" 5.2, 6.05 61 Cygni, Bessel's Star 2000 mm
Le Gentil 3 DN GF 7 Cyg 21 09 +51 30 420' x 420' --- Very large dark nebula 0085 mm
Equuleus CON --- Equ 21 11 +07 45 660' x 420' --- Constellation 11° x 7° 0018 mm
NGC 7048 PN NGC 7048 Cyg 21 15 +46 20 75" x 62" 12.1 Circular planetary nebula CS=18.3 3000 mm
The Ghost RN VdB 141 Cep 21 16 +68 15 4.2' --- Dusty, very faint, near 7023 3000 mm
Messier 15 GC M 015 Peg 21 30 +12 10 18' 6.3 M15, Globular cluster 2000 mm
Pease 1 PN PK 65-27.1 Peg 21 30 +12 10 3" 15.5 In M15, very difficult 3000 mm
Messier 39 OC M 039 Cyg 21 32 +48 26 31' 4.6 M39, open cluster 1000 mm
Messier 2 GC M 002 Aqr 21 33 -00 49 16' 6.6 M2, globular cluster 2000 mm
IC 1396 EN IC 1396 Cep 21 37 +57 14 210' x 141' 3.5 Very large, faint 0200 mm
Elephant's Trunk EN IC 1396a Cep 21 37 +57 29 38'x 10' --- Inside IC 1396 1000 mm
Messier 30 GC M 030 Cap 21 40 -23 11 11.0' 7.5 M30, globular cluster 2000 mm
NGC 7129 RN NGC 7129 Cep 21 43 +66 11 8' x 8' --- RN LBN 397 with IC 5134 2000 mm
Herschel's Garnet Star VS HD 206936 Cep 21 43 +58 47 --- 3.4 to 5.1 Mu Cephei +2.5 B-V 2000 mm
Barnard 168 DN B 168 Cyg 21 49 +47 33 120' x 345' --- B168, DN near Cocoon Nebula 0200 mm
Cocoon Nebula EN IC 5146 Cyg 21 53 +47 16 10' x 10' 7.2 Cocoon Nebula EN and OC 2000 mm
LW Cygni CS HD 208512 Cyg 21 55 +50 30 --- 8.8 to 12.3 Carbon star +4.58 B-V 2000 mm
Wolf's Cave RN VdB 152 Cep 22 13 +70 18 12' x 6' --- CED 201, B175 0700 mm
Dark Shark DN LDN 1235 Cep 22 15 +73 29 12' x 8' --- DN Near VdB 149, 150 0700 mm
Aquarius CON --- Aqr 22 17 -10 47 2940' x 1680' --- Constellation 49° x 28° 0018 mm
SH2-132 EN SH2-132 Cep 22 18 +56 08 15' x 10' --- EN in Cepheus 2000 mm
Atoms for Peace Galaxy GAL NGC 7252 Aqr 22 22 -24 36 2.1' x 1.7' 12.1 Peculiar galaxy Arp 226 3000 mm
Lacerta CON --- Lac 22 28 +46 03 1260 x 720 --- Constellation 21° x 12° 0035 mm
Helix Nebula PN NGC 7293 Aqr 22 29 -20 48 18.5' 7.3v Very large PN, CS=13.4 2000 mm
Delta Cephei VS HD 213306 Cep 22 29 +58 29 --- 3.5 to 4.4 Cepheid var 5d 8h 47m 32s period 2000 mm
Stephan's Quintet GAL GR HCG 92 Peg 22 36 +33 57 2' x 1' 13 / 14 Compact galaxy group, NGC 7317 3000 mm
Einstein Cross Q 2237+0305 Peg 22 41 +03 22 2" 16.78 Gravitationally-lensed quasar 5000 mm
Pegasus CON --- Peg 21 42 +19 28 2700' x 1980' --- Constellation 45° x 33° 0018 mm
Wizard Nebula EN Sh2-142 Cep 22 47 +58 06 24' x 18' 7.2 NGC 7380 1000 mm
Cave Nebula EN SH2-155 Cep 22 56 +62 37 50' x 30' --- Large but faint nebula complex 2000 mm
NGC 7331 GAL NGC 7331 Peg 22 57 +34 25 10.2' x 4.2' 9.5 Big galaxy by Stephan's Quintet 3000 mm
Fomalhaut S HD 216956 PsA 22 57 -29 37 --- 1.20 Alpha Piscis Austrini 2000 mm
NGC 7538 EN NGC 7538 Cas 23 13 +61 31 9' x 6' --- Two 11th mag stars in neb 3000 mm
Lobster Claw EN SH2-157 Cas 23 16 +60 06 34' x 10' --- Near the Bubble Nebula 1000 mm
Bubble Nebula EN NGC 7635 Cas 23 20 +61 12 15' x 8' 11.0 Nebula around Wolf-Rayet star 2000 mm
Pegasus 1 Galaxy cluster GAL CL Peg 1 Peg 23 21 +08 17 39' x 26' --- Peg 1 GAL CL, NGC 7619 2000 mm
Messier 52 OC M 052 Cas 23 24 +61 35 16' 6.9 M52, 100 stars 2000 mm
Cepheus CON --- Cep 22 35 +74 18 2280' x 1260' --- Constellation 38° x 21° 0035 mm
NGC 7479 GAL NGC 7479 Peg 23 05 +12 24 4' x 3.1' 10.9 Barred spiral galaxy 2000 mm
Blue Snowball PN NGC 7662 And 23 25 +42 33 32" x 28" 8.3 Blue planetary nebula CS=13.2v 3000 mm
Blue Match RN VdB 158 And 23 37 +48 30 3' x 2' --- With LBn 534 0700 mm
Caroline's Rose OC NGC 7789 Cas 23 57 +56 44 16' 6.7 300 stars, faint but very rich 2000 mm


* Click on a column heading to sort that column alphabetically or numerically. Click on the column heading again to sort in the opposite direction. Reloading the page will sort by the default of right ascension.

Leading zeros in certain columns in Master List of Objects table are used so that the column sorts correctly when you click on a column heading to sort.

The Master List "Size and Separation" column does not sort correctly because of different types of data included in this column.

Sorting of columns on the Master List page does not work in the Safari web browser. Sorry. It should work in all of the other popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Firefox.

Column Notes:

Name - The best known popular name of the object.

OBJ - Object Type
  • AST = asterism
  • CON = constellation
  • CS = carbon star
  • DN = dark nebula
  • DS = double star
  • EN = emission nebula
  • GAL = galaxy
  • GAL CL = galaxy cluster
  • GAL GR = galaxy group
  • GC = globular
  • MC = Molecular Cloud
  • MS = multiple star
  • OC = open cluster
  • PN = planetary nebula
  • Q = quasar
  • RN = reflection nebula
  • S = star
  • SA = stellar association
  • SC = star cloud
  • SNR = supernova remnant
  • VS = variable star

Catalog Number - The catalog and reference number of the object. Please see the Object Identifications page for more detailed information.

Con - The constellation in which the object is located.

R.A. - The right ascension of the object.

The Master List is initially sorted by right ascension starting at 0 hours, which is on the meridian on September 21, the autumnal equinox, at local midnight or 1 a.m. if daylight savings time is active.

Dec - The declination of the object.

Size / Sep - Usually the size of the object, or separation of double or multiple stars.

Object Sizes are sometimes approximate, depending on how deep the image goes.

Sizes are give in degrees (°), minutes (') or seconds (") of arc. These are determined by dividing a circle into 360 degrees, and each degree into 60 minutes of arc, and each minute into 60 seconds of arc. In an astronomical context, degrees, minutes and seconds of arc are angular measures and not measures of temperature or time.

The Size/Separation column does not sort correctly. A rough sort by size can be achieved by using the Framing column as an alternative.

Mag - The magnitude of the star or object. Two magnitudes are given for double stars, one for each star. No magnitudes are given on dark nebulae or objects where the magnitude has not been measured or listed in catalogs.

The magnitudes of most extended objects that are not stars are usually integrations of brightness for the entire object because most objects have bright and faint parts.

Notes - Miscellaneous notes on the object. Objects with an exclamation point are among the best in the sky. Carbon Star B-V ratings are Tycho 2 measurements that give the difference between the standard Johnson B and V filters. Higher numbers mean the star has a more red color. For planetary nebula "CS" is the magnitude of the central star. Brightest stars are for the night sky (not counting the Sun, which is the brightest star in the sky).

Frame - Framing gives a suggested focal length for best framing an object with a DSLR with an APS-C sized sensor that is about 22.5 mm x 15 mm in size. This is the size of the sensor in most Canon consumer cameras such as the Canon 60D, 70D, T3i (600D), T4i (650D), T5i (700D), XS (1000D), T3 (1100D), SL1 (100D) and others. Most recent Nikon consumer cameras such as the D7100 and D5200 have a sensor size of about 23.5 mm x 15.6 mm. For cameras with different sensor sizes use the Field of View Calculator in the Photography Notes section to determine your field of view for a given focal length.

Focal lengths suggested here are just starting points as the same object can usually be shot with different focal lengths. Close ups with higher magnification can reveal more details in an object. Wider fields can place an object in the context of its surroundings. Sometimes we must just shoot with the focal length we have available.

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