Messier 26
Messier 26 is a beautiful open cluster in the constellation of Scutum. M26 subtends an apparent angle of 10 arcminutes and shines at magnitude 8. At an estimated distance of 5,000 light-years, its true size would be 15 light-years in diameter. M26 is thought to be 89 million years old. It has an area with few stars near the center of the cluster which may be a cloud of dark matter obscuring the stars behind it. The cluster contains 70 stars between magnitude 10 and magnitude 13, and many other fainter members. The brightest member is the hot spectral-type B9 star HD173348 at magnitude 9.13 in the center of the cluster. M26 was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764. North is to the top in the above image.