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IC 4592, The Blue Horsehead Nebula
IC 4592
Exposure Data
  • Image Field of View: 5.48° x 3.66°
  • Camera Field of View: 7.67° x 4.72°
  • Lens: 180 mm Nikkor ED f/2.8 AI-S
  • Focal Length: 180 mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/2.8
  • Camera:
    • Modified Canon Digital Rebel XS (1000D)
    • Unmodified Canon XSi (450D)
  • ISO: 400
  • Exposure: (231 minutes total)
    • 14 x 480 seconds
    • 7 x 300 seconds
  • Filter: None
  • SQM: 21.81

IC 4592 is a reflection nebula known as the Blue Horsehead Nebula in Scorpius.

Nu Scorpii is the eye of the horse. The brightest star in the image, at left, is Beta 1 Scorpii, Graffias. IC 4601 is the area of blue nebulosity amidst the red dust at upper right.

The entire area is part of a large molecular cloud in Scorpius and Ophiuchus, which is a stellar nursery.

The blue reflection nebula are made up of small interstellar dust particles that reflect the light of hot young blue stars, in this case, Nu Scorpii.

The Blue Horsehead is located at a distance of 400 light-years with this 5-degree field spanning 40 light-years.

North is to the bottom in the above image.

IC 4592
  • Catalogs: IC 4592, LBN 1113
  • Common Name: The Blue Horsehead Nebula
  • Object Type: Reflection Nebula Complex
  • Size: 7° x 4.75°
  • Constellation: Scorpius
  • Image Field Centered At:
    • RA: 16h 13m 53s
    • Dec: -19° 39' 22"

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