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Messier 29
Messier 29
Exposure Data
  • Image Field of View: 23.04' x 15.37'
  • Camera Field of View: 26.45' x 17.64'
  • Scope: 11-inch Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain
  • Focal Length: 2,896 mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/10
  • Camera: Modified Canon T2i (550D)
  • ISO: 400
  • Exposure: 3 x 180 seconds (9 minutes total)
  • Filter: None
  • SQM: 18.50

Messier 29 is an open cluster in Cygnus 1.75 degrees south and a little east of Sadr (Gamma Cygni).

The cluster has an apparent size of 10 arcminutes and shines at magnitude 6.6. It is estimated to be 4,000 light-years distant. At that distance its true size would be 11.6 light-years in diameter.

M29 is part of the Cygnus OB1 association, and it contains 5 blue giants of spectral class B0 with the brightest star in the cluster shining at magnitude 8.6. The cluster is young at an estimated 10 million years of age.

Although the cluster seems relatively sparse it may contain 50 members total.

Messier 29 was discovered by Charles Messier in 1764.

North is to the top in the above image.

Messier 29
  • Catalogs: M29, NGC 6913
  • Object Type: Open Cluster
  • Magnitude: 6.6v
  • Size: 10'
  • Constellation: Cygnus
  • Image Field Centered At:
    • RA: 20h 23m 58s
    • Dec: +38° 29' 50"

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