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IC 405, The Flaming Star Nebula
IC 410 and IC 405
Exposure Data
  • Image Field of View: 4.37° x 2.91°
  • Camera Field of View: 4.35° x 2.90°
  • Lens: Canon 300 mm f/2.8 USM L IS
  • Focal Length: 300 mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/2.8
  • Camera: Canon 20Da
  • ISO: 1600
  • Exposure: 26 x 120 seconds (52 minutes total)
  • Filter: IDAS LPS
  • SQM: 20.80

IC 405 and IC 410 are two large emission nebulae complexes in the constellation of Auriga.

IC 405, the Flaming Star Nebula, at right here, surrounds the variable star AE Aurigae which illuminates and powers the nebula. AE Aurigae is a hot, young, blue runaway star that is believed to have been ejected from the Orion nebula some 2.7 million years ago.

IC 405 is 50 x 30 arcminutes in size, and lies 1,500 light-years away.

At the left center is emission nebula IC 410. Open cluster NGC 1893 is embedded in IC 410.

At upper left is the small emission nebula IC 417.

North is to the top in the above image.

IC 405
  • Catalogs: IC 405, LBN 795
  • Common Name: Flaming Star Nebula
  • Object Type: Emission Nebula
  • Magnitude: 10b
  • Size: 50' x 30'
  • Constellation: Auriga
  • Image Field Centered At:
    • RA: 05h 20m 05s
    • Dec: +33° 55' 05"

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