NGC 7662
NGC 7662 is the Blue Snowball, a bright planetary nebula located in Andromeda. NGC 7662 is easily seen in a small telescope because of its high surface brightness, appearing as a star-like object with a distinct blue-green color at low magnifications. Higher magnification in larger scopes reveals a slightly oval disk with a brighter annulus inside the disk with a dark center. The central star is a variable with a nominal magnitude of 13.2v. The Blue Snowball shines at magnitude 8.3 and subtends an apparent angle of 32 x 28 arcseconds. The distance to NGC 7662 is uncertain with estimates between 1,800 and 5,600 light-years being given. NGC 7662 was discovered by William Herschel in 1784. North is to the top in the above image.