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B104, Dark Nebula
Barnard 104
Exposure Data
  • Image Field of View: 52.58' x 35.08'
  • Camera Field of View: 74.76' x 49.83'
  • Scope: 130 mm f/8 triplet apochromatic refractor
  • Focal Length: 1,025 mm
  • Focal Ratio: f/8
  • Camera: Modified Canon T2i (550D)
  • ISO: 800
  • Exposure: 11 x 300 seconds (55 minutes total)
  • Filter: None
  • SQM: 21.81

Barnard 104 is a dark nebula in Scutum. It is sometimes called the Fishhook Nebula.

Dark nebulae are opaque clouds of dust and gas in space that block the light of stars behind them.

B104 has an apparent size of 20 x 10 arcminutes.

It is located 15 arcminutes north of the yellow-giant star Beta Scuti (bottom center in the image) which shines at magnitude 4.2. Beta Scuti is located 690 light-years away.

Barnard 104 was cataloged by E. E. Barnard in 1913.

North is to the top in the above image.

Barnard 104
  • Catalogs: B104
  • Common Name: Fish Hook Nebula
  • Object Type: Dark Nebula
  • Size: 20' x 10'
  • Constellation: Scutum
  • Image Field Centered At:
    • RA: 18h 47m 12s
    • Dec: -04° 32' 03"

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