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Northern Milky Way Veil Nebula IC 1318 LDN 904 IC 5070 NGC 7000 IC 5146 Barnard 168 NGC 7008 Le Gentil 3 IC 1396 NGC 6946 NGC 6939 NGC 7023 NGC 7789 NGC 7635 M52 CED 214 NGC 7822 M31 NGC 281 NGC 457 M76 Double Cluster Double Nebula IC 59, IC 63 VdB 152 LDN 1235 NGC 40 NGC7662 VdB 158 M39 NGC 7048
Northern Milky Way Image Map
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           Deep-Sky Objects
Northern Milky Way
Cygnus, Cepheus, Cassiopeia
  • Object Type: Wide-Field Area
  • Area Size: 58.2° x 37.7°
  • Constellation: Cygnus, Cepheus, Cassiopeia
  • Image Field Centered At:
    • RA: 22h 45m 29s
    • Dec: +56° 06' 35"

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