Smart Sharpen Back | Up | Next

Figure 1 - Saturn can be improved with sharpening. Hold your mouse cursor over the image to see a comparison between the original uncorrected image and the corrected one.

The image of Saturn seen in Figure 1 can be improved with some sharpening.

Here we will use Smart Sharpen in Photoshop. Smart Sharpen is a better way to sharpen than unsharp mask.

Photoshop's Smart Sharpen

Figure 2 - Photoshop's Smart Sharpen
Figure 3 - Saturn sharpened with Photoshop's Smart Sharpen. Hold your mouse cursor over the image to see a comparison between the original uncorrected image and the corrected one.

In Figure 3 we can see the results of using Photoshop's Smart Sharpen command. The image is considerably improved.

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