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Video Tutorials: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3

VirtualDub by Avery Lee is a great freeware video utility program that is an extremely useful all-round tool for working with videos. You can use it for trimming, cropping, re-sizing, re-saving and fixing problem AVI files.

The VirtualDub interface.

Two display windows are presented inside the main program window. The one on the left shows the original video, and the one on the right shows what the video looks like after manipulations such as cropping or adjusting the image. Controls along the bottom work like most multi-media players. If you hold your mouse cursor over a button in the program for a while, a description of the button's function will come up.

There is also a frame counter along the bottom of the frame that you can click and drag for quick access to any part of the video. An information box shows your location in the video by frame count and time.

There are many different functions that we can use VirtualDub for:


There is a good tutorial on how to use VirtualDub at divxland.

For help with VirtualDub, go to the VirtualDub support forums.

VirtualDub - The Bottom Line

VirtualDub is an excellent free program that is very useful in working with video files.

It can be used to fix problem AVI files, and to translate MOV formatted videos to AVI format for use in planetary image processing programs.

This tutorial was done with VirtualDub version 1.9.11.

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