Gemini - Orion Area
This wide-field area on the Gemini - Orion border contains a number of different interesting deep-sky objects. Hold your mouse cursor over the image to see object identifications. IC 443, the Jellyfish Nebula, is a supernova remnant near Propus (Eta Geminorum) near the center of the image. M35, and NGC 2158 are beautiful open clusters in Gemini at top right. NGC 2174, the Monkey Head Nebula, is a large bright emission nebula in Orion at bottom right. It is some 40 arcminutes in diameter, larger than the full Moon and bright enough to be visible in binoculars. The two brightest stars in the field are Mu and Eta Geminorum. Mu is a variable star which varies from magnitude 2.75 to magnitude 3.0. Eta, near the center of the frame, is also a variable star which varies from magnitude 3.19 to magnitude 3.5. Sh2-249 is a large complex of emission nebulosity north of Mu Geminorum. Sh2-248 is a small emission nebula one degree to the north of NGC 2174. North is to the top in this image.