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The Atmosphere of Venus during Solar Transit

The atmosphere of Venus is visible as a short arc completing the circle of the silhouette of Venus as it passes in front of the Sun during the 2004 transit of Venus. The atmosphere, visible by refracted sunlight passing through the atmosphere of Venus, had never been photographed during a transit before.

Exposure Data
  • Lens: Astro-Physics 130EDT f/8 Triplet Apochromatic Refractor
  • F/stop: f/32 with 18mm Orthoscopic eyepiece projection
  • Exposure: 1/30th second
  • Mount: Polar-aligned tracking equatorial mount, unguided
  • Camera: Nikon D2H DSLR
  • Mode: JPEG
  • ISO: 800
  • White Balance: Daylight
  • In-Camera Noise Reduction: Off
  • Filter: Baader White Light Solar Filter
  • Temp: NR
  • Time 7:07 a.m. EDT
  • Date June 8, 2004
  • Location: Batsto, NJ
  • Calibration: None
  • Processing: Black and white points adjusted, cropped, Noise Ninja applied in Photoshop CS1.

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