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The Great Red Spot, located in Jupiter's South Equatorial Belt (SEB) at lower right on the planet, begins to rotate off the face of Jupiter.

Oval BA, also known as "Red Spot Junior", also a pale yellow color, in the South Temperate Belt (STB,) has passed by the Great Red Spot, along with a large dark spot following it.

Detail on two of Jupiter's four Galilean moons can also be seen in the image. Callisto is at upper left with a diameter of 1.52 arcseconds shining at magnitude 6.1, and Ganymede is at lower right at 1.67 arcseconds at magnitude 4.9.

Exposure Data
  • Lens: Celestron C11 Edge Aplanatic Schmidt-Cassegrain
  • F/stop: F/20 with 2x Televue Powermate Barlow
  • Focal Length: 5,588 mm
  • Mount: Takahashi EM200 Temma 2M
  • Autoguider: None
  • Guidescope: None
  • Camera: Modified Canon 550Da (T2i) DSLR
  • Mode: Live View AVI captured with EOS Movie Recorder
  • White Balance: Custom
  • Location: Scott's Pit, NJ
  • Date: October 16, 2012
  • Time: 4:50 am EDT
  • Conditions: Seeing:6/10
  • Calibration: None
  • Processing: Processed in AutoStakkert! 2, Color adjusted in Photoshop CS5.
  • Notes:

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